This week we talk about the golden age of fast food advertising, McDonaldland with our friend Danny Getz from the Feel Feelings podcast!
We’re back with a new season, a new format, and returning guest Addyson Young to talk about Witches. Also we have a new host, but if Glen did everything right you shouldn’t have to do anything differently.
The U.S. Dollar

What’s up with money though? Friend of the show Leeanmerie Rouse drops in to give us the topic this week. We’re still at home, and you should be too.
Pirates (ft. Christina Irene)

We’re on a boooooooat (metaphorically) in this one. Apologies for the delay in episodes. We’ve been recording them but Glen has been slow to edit them because “the world is on fire” and he’s “sad”. We’ll also be doing some live recordings you can tune into online, so follow us on Facebook to find out when that is. Also please stay the fuck home. Wear a full fucking Spider-Man mask if you go outside. Wash […]
Rhythmic Gymnastics (ft. Addyson Teal)

Glen contends that all sports are bad, but we can all agree that this one sucks.
Astrology (ugh)

Astrology is nothing but ya boys talk about it anyway because that’s how this dumb show works.

Oh the hubris! The boys talkin’ about sponges. What is sponges? They squish. We know that. Turtles love this little squish pods. Sponges are coral that skipped leg day. Sponges is nasty freaks.
Speed Skating

A lot of Apolo Ohno talk on this one. What if skating was Sonic the Hedgehog? How good is Glen’s dad at ice skating really though? Are Jon and Glen really contentious with each other in this one? You bet!

Glen knows about igloos because of a weird book he read as a kid instead of going outside or making friends. Jon has his feelings hurt because Glen doesn’t listen, but Glen doesn’t remember exactly what Jon was mad about because he wasn’t listening. This is a very good suggy jest and a very bad Wikipedia page.
Golden Rectangle

What’s the best rectangle? Turns out we have very strong opinions. They’re wrong. But we have them. Learn a math thing and also learn that we don’t know everything, but we do agree that Chris Gethard is a delight! We also stumble across a great prank one of you could AND SHOULD DO to burn us.